Tortuosity and objective relative acceleration in the theory of porous materials, Proceedings of Royal Society, A 461, 1533-1561, 2005; also
WIAS-Preprint No. 922, Weierstraß-Institut für
Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2004.
Elastic modelling of surface waves in single and multicomponent systems, in: Surface waves
in geomechanics: direct and inverse modeling for soils and rocks, C. LAI, K. WILMANSKI (Eds.),
205-278, Springer Wien New York, 2005.
Thermodynamics of simple two-component thermo-poroelastic media, in: Trends and Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics,
S. RIONERO, G. ROMANO (eds.), Springer-Verlag Italia, Milano, 2005; also
WIAS-Preprint No. 901, Weierstraß-Institut für
Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2004.
Linear sound waves in poroelastic materials: simple mixtures vs. Biot's model; in: Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics,
K. HUTTER, YONGQI WANG (eds.), 569-578, Shaker Verlag, 2005; also
WIAS-Preprint No. 950, Weierstraß-Institut für
Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2004.
Critical time for acoustic waves in weakly nonlinear poroelastic materials,
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 17: 171-181, 2005.
Modeling acoustic waves in saturated poroelastic materials (with: B. Albers),
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 131, 9, 974-985, 2005.
Monochromatic surface waves on impermeable boundaries in two-component poroelastic media (with: B. Albers),
Cont. Mech. Thermodyn., 17, 3, 269-285, 2005.
Threshold to liquefaction in granular materials as a formation of strong wave discontinuity
in poroelastic media, in: Poromechanics, III, Biot Centenial, Y. ABOUSLEIMAN, A. CHENG,
F.-J. ULM (eds.), A. A. Balkem Publ., Leiden, 297-302, 2005.
Thermodynamic modelling of saturated poroelastic materials - linear and nonlinear effects, in:
Grenzschicht Wasser und Boden, Phänomene und Ansätze, J. GRABE (ed.), 87-106, TUHH Hamburg, 2005.
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